Lifting & Hoisting Equipment
We offer the best safety record in the industry
Standard Feature
Manufactured from hardened and tempered steel
Superior performance in high impact applications
Chain tested to a load in excess of 60% of the minimum break strength based on 800MPa
100% individually proof tested components and in accordance with AS 3776
Factory assembled Chain Sling supplied tested and tagged in accordance with AS 3775 ISO 9001 Quality assurance accreditation Test certificates available on request
- Increased strength allows for lighter, more durable sling
- Tougher, more reliable lifting capability
- Easier handling
- Less downtime
- Increased product life
- Unsurpassed safety record
Product Offer
- Chain
- Connectors
- Oblong Link
- Hooks
- Chain Sling & Weld-on attachment
- Chain & Fitting
- Chain Block
- Wire Rope Sling
- Wire Rope Clips
- Pin
- Shackles
- Hoist
Brand by
- PWB Anchor
- Crosby
Wire rope slings are made to order to suit individual requirements. Let us know your needs and we can help in your choice.
Slings can be made in single, double, or multi leg configurations. We can also test and tag slings to meet Australian Standards.
Hand spliced slings are also available on request, these are good for applications where you need to pull them out from under the load as there is no ferrule to catch or damage your load.
There are numerous different types of wire ropes for differing applications. The lifting Equipment carries a large range of these. Ropes stocked are for use in slings, industrial and marine rigging, guying, crane ropes, winch ropes, shade structures, Ferris wheel ropes and many others.
When ordering wire ropes you should specify the following:
1. Diameter.
2. Length.
3. Construction.
4. Core type.
5. Finish (Galvanized, black or stainless steel).
6. Termination fittings.
It is also helpful if you can tell us the intended application and Safe Working Load so that we are able to assist you with your choice.
The lifting mechanism of a crane's hoist is typically chain link or wire rope. Both have distinct properties that make them suitable for various applications. For example, wire rope hoists are considered better for high speed lifting (a rate of 20 metres/60 feet per minute), while chain is considered best for vertical lifting.
BalasHapusHoisting Equipment
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BalasHapusCV. global Intertech solution
Bagian Import Departement
Kami dari Bintang Cargo, adalah sebuah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Expedisi International Freight Forwarders untuk pengurusan Import kepada kepabean (PPJK). Baik via laut maupun via udara yang berdomisili di Jakarta dan kami siap membantu segala kebutuhan yang berhubungan dengan proses Kepabeanan, Customs Clearance, Borongan (All in) Undername Import - Expor, Domestic maupun Transportasi barang ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan Internasional.
Mesin industri (Baru), Alat Berat, Besi/Baja, Valve, Pompa, Genset, Mainan, Alat Kesehatan ( ALKES ), Electronics, Spare Part, Textile, Garment, Alas kaki, Accessories, Keramik Ubin, Chemical, Makanan dan barang Cargo lainnya.
I. Jasa Customs Clearance
Adapun kegiatan / layanan utama kami saat ini adalah sebagai berikut :
- Under Name & Import Udara
- Under Name & Import Laut FCL/ LCL
- Customs Clearance kedua Laut dan kargo Udara ( Ex-Lisensi)
- Transportasi Laut FCL/ LCL
- Transportasi Udara
- Penyelesaian biaya / tagihan asuransi, biaya angkutan ( Darat, Laut, Udara) dan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan Import.
II. Jasa Transportasion
Bintang Cargo,melayani pengiriman / Distribusi barang domestics ke-seluruh Nusantara
Covarage Area Distribusi Domestics Binus Cargo, adalah:
Jakarta- Jawa-Bali-Sumatra-Kalimantan-m akasar dan seluruh lokal indonesia.
Via Darat, Laut, Udara.
Catatan :
- Jasa yang kami ajukan sudah termasuk biaya Transfer EDI ( PIB) dan Pemeriksaan Jalur Merah.
- Bila barang tidak sesuai dengan pemberitahuan/ Packing list diluar tanggung jawab kami.
Adapun daerah operasional Kami sebagai berikut:
- Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta
- Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok ( Jakarta )
Demikian penawaran ini kami sampaikan, Besar harapan kami semoga penawaran ini dapat terwujud dalam bentuk kerjasama, sehingga dapat menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Best Regards,
HP/WA: 0822 7748 4788